I Will Use My £310,000 'Bentley' In Heaven -Brazilian businessman

99.3 LAGOS: Adenike and Katherine on the Midday Dialogue on a Fashionable Friday...

What would you say if you heard that this Brazilian businessman buried his £310,000 Bentley so he has can use it in the afterlife?

He has all the riches he could ever dream for in this life. But to avoid any risk of missing out in the afterlife, wealthy entrepreneur 'Count Scarpa' is burying his greatest treasure - his new £310,000 Bentley convertible.

The 62-year-old declared that he plans to do as the Pharaohs of Egypt did and take his riches with him when he dies by burying them.

So today...at 11am he will entomb his brand new Bentley Continental worth over £310,000 to make sure he has a comfortable journey into the ‘other side’.

According to him: 'I decided to do as the Pharaohs: this week I will bury my favourite car, the Bentley here in the home garden! Bury my treasure in my palace!!!'

The self-made businessman, who has a degree in economics and is a black belt instructor and owner of the Institute Maruyama Aikido, a Japanese martial arts academy, explains that his decision to start storing up his treasures for the life beyond came after watching a programme on Ancient Egypt on Sunday.

Let's be honest, guys...IS THIS GUY RIGHT OR WRONG?

 I was just imaging through out when I read about this "Monkey" who is preparing for life after here...

Read this and tell me what you think!
What would you say if you heard that this Brazilian businessman buried his £310,000 Bentley so he has can use it in the afterlife?

He has all the riches he could ever dream for in this life. But to avoid any risk of missing out in the afterlife, wealthy entrepreneur 'Count Scarpa' is burying his greatest treasure - his new £310,000 Bentley convertible.

The 62-year-old declared that he plans to do as the Pharaohs of Egypt did and take his riches with him when he dies by burying them.

So today...at 11am he will entomb his brand new Bentley Continental worth over £310,000 to make sure he has a comfortable journey into the ‘other side’.

According to him: 'I decided to do as the Pharaohs: this week I will bury my favourite car, the Bentley here in the home garden! Bury my treasure in my palace!!!'

The self-made businessman, who has a degree in economics and is a black belt instructor and owner of the Institute Maruyama Aikido, a Japanese martial arts academy, explains that his decision to start storing up his treasures for the life beyond came after watching a programme on Ancient Egypt on Sunday.

Let's be honest, guys...IS THIS GUY RIGHT OR WRONG?


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